
The term “Rhino” (short for Rhinocerus) is used to group five different species of odd-toed ungulates in the family Rhinocerotidae. Two of those live in Africa (Black and White Rhino), the other three in Asia (Indian, Javen and Sumatran Rhinocerus). Hunted exceedetly for its horn, three of the species are considered critically endangered (the Javan, Sumatran and Black Rhinoceros), one endangered (Indian Rhinocerus) and the White Rhinocerus is registered as vulnerable with some 9,000 still in the wild.

The rhino is characterized by its large size with all of the species able to reach one ton or more in weight and its large horn. It is of herbivorous diet and has a thick protective skin formed from layers of collagen positioned in a lattice structure.

The White Rhinoceros or Square-lipped Rhinoceros (latin term: Ceratotherium simum) is the most massive remaining land animal in the world after the elephant, along with the Indian Rhinoceros and the hippopotamus, which are of comparable size. This rhino can exceed 3,000 kg.

The Black Rhinocerus (latin term: Diceros bicornis) may reach a body weight of 800-1400 kg. It has a pointed mouth, which it uses to grasp leaves when feeding.